In early 2021 when our gallery's location, the Wimberley Community Center, was closed for health and safety concerns, we wondered how we could continue to provide art lovers and artists the opportunity to connect. It didn't take long before we decided to make our website a venue. Thus began our first virtual juried gallery show, an exhibit that appeared on our website only. It was so well received by our members, our community, and art collectors that even now with our gallery open we continue to offer the exhibits online, too. It has been wonderful to welcome people back to the gallery space AND to reach a broader audience via our virtual gallery.
Today the final juried show of 2021 opens at both venues. We encourage you to see it at one or both! Congratulations to all the artists who are part of this exhibit and to our award winners:
Bonnie Wilson - Best in Show - Sweet Treats
Martha Gibson - Second Place - The Mexican Chapel
Warren Cullar - Third Place - The Game
All works are available for purchase, and whether you visit us virtually or in person we hope you enjoy the show!
The Wimberley Valley Art League Gallery is located in the Wimberley Community Center. CLICK HERE for directions. The Wimberley Valley Art League Virtual Gallery is located on our website. CLICK HERE to visit.